
Encouraging a culture of health, balance and wellness for the BMC community


The materials are meant to be used as a guideline to help with organizational aspects of self-care as well as a few targeted handouts that address useful studying strategies.  These documents are works in progress so any and all feedback is appreciated.

General Information

Exam Week Survival Guide

How to Succeed at Bryn Mawr

Strategies for Scheduling

Weekly Schedule

Study Skills

Good Study Skills

The Editing Process

Notetaking, Notemaking

Outlining (Basics)

Prepping for the Test

Strategies for Reading

Want to collaborate with Self-Care @ BMC?

Keep us posted with how you use the below images by sending us an email at selfcare@bmc so we can help publicize your event! 

Self-Care Collaboration 

Self-Care Collaboration (Alternate Version)

Interested in getting a basic idea of some of the resources used in self-care? Check out the presentation below to get a general overview!

Self-Care at BMC Prezi